Thursday, November 5, 2009

Adam Jungemann
On Campus
Title: South Dakota’s Snow White Fairy Tale

Outside, its white as far as the eye can see. Sidewalks once lined with green grass are now covered with small frozen flakes which appear to have blown in straight sideways. The air, once filled with song birds singing and children playing, is now filled with the howls of the biting wind and the roaring of large engines on snow plows. Sounds like a typical blizzard in South Dakota, but at the end April?

Whether it is a 30 degree autumn day followed by a 95 degree scorcher or a beautiful spring day that happens to occur on December 26, South Dakota has long been associated with “your guess is as good as mine” weather. South Dakota appears to scoff at the typical climate and decides on its own what we will have for weather.

Last weekend’s crazy upset in our much deserved spring weather is just one example of what is to be expected or rather unexpected.

“Some people like really hot places, some people like really cold places, we are lucky and we get both,” said Josh Chilson, a journalism student at South Dakota State University, “and if you are tired of the heat, just wait ‘til tomorrow, it will probably be cold”
It seems as though only in South Dakota is a used car salesman more trusted than a meteorologist. The weather is unreliable and abnormal.

But maybe surprising is a better way of describing it. Cold fronts and snow storms in spring may not appeal to everyone but just think of how many times we get to experience the first day of spring when the snow melts which is followed by more snow and another “first day of spring.” Some might even go as far as to say we are the “lucky ones.”

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